About Me

Student. Programmer. Neovim User.

Me in high school. Fellow Raccoon lover.

Me in high school (Yes I used Arch Linux, how could you tell?)

Nathan Barry

Image Backstory: There were once raccoons living in my attic. I caught them and released them away from my house. I took a photo with each one caught (this is raccoon #3 in the sacrificial demon cave).

I am a Computer Science and Mathematics major at UT Austin. I was born in Saint Joseph, Missouri. I started programming in 2017 my freshman year of high school, with Python and JavaScript, serving PyTorch models with Flask and React. Currently, I spend most of my time on schoolwork, side projects, and (hopefully) writing.

In my free time, I enjoy climbing, biking, and playing ultimate frisbee with the CS Ultimate team (now bowling with the CS squad). I also enjoy reading books a lot. Currently, I am growing 12 pepper plants. I’m growing 4 different strains of Habanero Pepper and one variant of Ghost Pepper.

Personal Records

I’ve always been a competitive person and have enjoyed excelling in various activities. As you can see below, I am a man of many talents.

Bench265 lbs
Bouldering GradeV8
Starcraft 2 RankDiamond (Protoss)
CS:GO RankGold Nova (middle school)
Balls Juggled4
Bowling Score203 (my proudest one!)

Life Philosophy

My life philosophy started crystalizing when I was 15 and has remained more or less constant ever since. It was heavily inspired by Aldous Huxley, Nietzsche, Robert Greene, Carl Jung, William Rees-Mogg and James Dale Davidson, Ayn Rand, Dostoevsky, and a few other names.

I recall once hearing the quote, “Bees make honey. Beavers build dams. Humans create progress”. Progress seems to be the general motif of humanity. Being able to create new things that are recognized to have value is a fundamental human desire and is what we derive fulfillment from.

The only consistent things that regularly lead to the creation of value and novelty are competence and hard work. Competence is having the proper knowledge and ability to solve problems. Hard work is having the endurance to actually solve them.

The word MORE describes humanity at all levels, from individuals to corporations, states, societies, and humanity as a whole. On an individual level, one desires to become more than who they are. Becoming better as time passes is what characterizes life and is a necessary pursuit. One should adopt as much responsibility as one can and always be pushing beyond what they think they are capable are. We must do our part in driving humanity forward. We must do our part to make our lives better, and the lives of all generations going forward.

“His answer to every problem, every setback, was ‘I will work harder!’ – which he had adopted as his personal motto.”— George Orwell, Animal Farm

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